Our specialist training provides catering staff with the knowledge needed to make nutritious food choices and how to use the NHS's Eatwell Guide to create a well-balanced diet.
We will also help you understand the cultural diversity of the school you work in and discuss foods you may want to consider introducing to become a school that celebrates your community and diversifies the menu.
Who do we help?
Our resources are unique and will offer your company expert support in planning menus considering children's nutrition as well as specific dietary needs and culture.
Providing nourishing meals that are familiar with what children eat at home is a positive action that signals to children a sense of celebration, acceptance and belonging in their school community. This helps to build a child's feeling of wellbeing and encourages openness to learning.
Empowering You
We develop and provide resources and training to empower schools (such as catering staff, school staff and SENDCOs) to create healthier menus for children.
Dietary Preferences
Online or face-to-face training provides the essentials to understanding children's nutritional needs, how to help children develop healthy habits, and develop meal ideas. It also includes training on specific dietary needs such as veganism, cultural or religious needs.
Qualified Coaches
All training programmes are written by qualified nutritionists and dietitians and uses an evidence-based approach, combining an education and behaviour change model.